

You kissed me, gentle,

Under blooms of datura. 

As the stars argental 

Sang and sighed cesura. 

Arras of silk, embroidered with stars; 

You kissed me pure, under gaze Mizar’s. 

You kissed me with nectar.

And the tuberose fragrance rose; 

For Zephir, the surrechter 

Sighed, ambrosial, a breeze in soughs;

And the aroma, arose, arose. 

The perfume was poetry of lovers, 

Of Zephirs and starry covers. 


Your sighs are the glory of  the stars.

The passion of the vernal Mars. 

The crown of quartz and pure azahar. 

The Glory of the Polar Star.

Your kisses are the constellations.

The most sidereal of all formations 

So Come kiss me dear lover- 

Trace in ivory the starry creations

Come set the zodiacs as my body cover.


Since your kisses are nebular 

Let me be thus crepuscular. 

Since your eyes are mesmeric and specular  

let this verse be terse and opuscular,

Pithy; So I may feel your lips sidereal-

In these hours, eternal, and altogether forever. 

Your lips most aural, and ethereal

Shall hold me forever and whensoever- 

Forever and Ever and Ever. 


Heloise and Abelard


The Reef Queen